The French press, aka cafetiere or plunger is one of the most accessible coffee brewing tools. Fairly easy to use and can be found in almost every household.
1. Weigh and Grind
Grind your coffee just before you start brewing. Be sure to weigh the coffee first. Use 35g (8.5 tbs) of ground coffee and 500ml of water (96°C) for making two cups of coffee.
2. Add Water
3. Stir
After 4 minutes, take a large spoon and stir the crust at the top. You will see most of the coffee will fall to the bottom. A little foam and some floating grounds will remain on the top. You may use the spoon to scoop them out. Wait another 5 minutes, this will allow fine coffee particles to sink to the bottom.
4. Plunge
Place the mesh plunger in the top of the beaker, but DO NOT PLUNGE. Plunging will create water flow, which will stir up all the coffee at the bottom of the pot.
5. Pour
Pour the coffee slowly through the mesh into the cup. Resist pouring out to the very last bit and you will find that your coffee has very little slit.
6. Final step